F.A.Q. |
CLICK HERE TO WATCH A TUTORIAL ON TROUBLE TICKET SUBMITTAL CLICK HERE TO WATCH A TUTORIAL ON SUBMITTING AN ORDER FOR LOCAL NUMBER PORTING Trouble Reporting (New content including a tutorial video!) Number Provisioning (New content including a tutorial video!)
Logging into the 123.net Web Portal
a. Obtaining a Login ID b. Logging into the Web Portal c. Viewing Drop-down Sub-interfaces d. Logging Out |
Logging into the 123.net Web Portal
Step 1: Obtain a Login ID and Password from your Company Administrator. |
If you are unsure whom your Company Administrator is, E-mail noc@123.net for assistance. Please include your Company, First and Last name. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. |
Step 2: Point your browser to https://secure.123.net and enter you Login ID and Password. Click "Login ->. |
Step 3: Click on the Drop-down Menu to select the sub-interface to manage. (Certain options may not be visible to you.) |
Step 4: In order to terminate the Session properly, please click on the "Logout" button. (Sessions will auto terminate after 4 hours of no activity.) |
Requesting New Numbers is easy and fast using the
following guidelines:
-Make sure all the information you enter is correct because inaccuracies can delay the process significantly. -All E911 information must be verified. -Directory Listing information must be furnished at the time of TN Order submittal. -Reserved numbers will not be routed until a TN Order is submitted. |
Requesting New Numbers
Step 8: Select the "Number Assignments" Sub-interface. |